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Open Educational Resources Collective Publishing Workflow

Initiate Stage Checklist

Author Checklist

The checklist below is written for authors initiating a new open textbook publishing project.

In the Initiate stage of an open textbook project, you’ll need to:

  1. Understand what an OER is and how it differs from other types of educational resources.
  2. Understand the benefits of using OERs in your teaching.
  1. Learn how to find open textbooks and other OER in your discipline.
  1. Understand what copyright means and how it differs for open textbooks.
  2. Understand when you need to seek permission to use third party content.
  3. Understand how baseline rights (like those in Creative Commons licences) work.
  4. Understand your obligations when acknowledging creators.
  1. Learn what an open licence is and how this differs from other types of copyright licences.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the different types of Creative Commons licences and how they all work.
  1. Decide whether you’ll work with co-authors.
  2. Consider what’s important to you in a co-author.
  3. Identify ways you can find and connect with potential co-authors.
  1. Consider what resources and support you’ll need for your open textbook.
  2. Find out if your institution offers grants or in-kind support for authoring open textbooks.
  3. Check if you’re eligible to apply for a CAUL OER Collective Open Textbook Grant.


Adapted from  ‘Checklist’ in Authoring Open Textbooks by Melissa Falldin and Karen Lauritsen licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence.

Library Staff Checklist

The checklist below is written for library staff working with authors initiating a new open textbook publishing project.

In the Initiate stage of an open textbook project, you’ll need to:

  1. Ensure you and your authors understand what an OER is and how it differs from other types of educational resources.
  2. Communicate the benefits of adapting and creating OER to prospective authors.
  1. Know what tools and websites are available for finding open textbooks authors can adapt.
  2. Support authors with finding discipline or course-specific open textbooks.
  1. Ensure you and your authors understand what copyright means and how it differs for open textbooks.
  2. Ensure you and your authors understand when to seek permission to use third party content.
  3. Ensure you and your authors understand how baseline rights (like those in Creative Commons licences) work.
  4. Ensure you and your authors understand when to acknowledge creators.
  1. Ensure you and your authors understand what an open licence is and how this differs from other types of copyright licences.
  2. Ensure you and your authors familiarise yourself with the different types of Creative Commons licences and how they all work.
  1. Help your authors find and connect with potential co-authors.
  1. Help authors determine what resources and support they’ll need for their open textbook project.
  2. Ensure authors are aware of any funding opportunities or in-kind support your institution offers for authoring open textbooks.
  3. Encourage eligible authors to apply for a CAUL OER Collective Open Textbook Grant.


Adapted from  ‘Checklist’ in Authoring Open Textbooks by Melissa Falldin and Karen Lauritsen licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence.