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CAUL Open Educational Resources Collective Publishing Workflow

The CAUL OER Collective Publishing Workflow

Open Educational Resources Collective Workflow. Initiate. Plan. Draft. Design. Review. Publish. Evaluate. CAUL Council of Australian University LibrariansThe CAUL OER Collective publishing workflow is designed to guide authors and library staff through the basics of open textbook publishing in Australia, including:

  • deciding whether to adapt or author open textbooks
  • planning and managing open textbook publishing projects
  • choosing a Creative Commons licence for your open textbook
  • copyright for open textbooks
  • using Pressbooks to author and publish open textbooks
  • making open textbooks diverse, inclusive and accessible
  • quality control measures for open textbooks
  • making open textbooks discoverable 
  • measuring the impact of open textbooks

and much more.

The 7 Stages of the Workflow

  1. Get Familiar with OER and Other Key Concepts
  2. Find Open Textbooks to Use or Adapt
  3. Understand Copyright
  4. Understand the Basics of Creative Commons Licensing
  5. Find Authors to Collaborate with
  6. Seek Out and Apply for Funding or Support.
  1. Plan an Open Textbook Project
  2. Get Set up for Success with Copyright
  3. Choose a Creative Commons Licence
  4. Call for Contributions From Other Authors
  5. Agree and Document Expectations with Co-Authors
  6. Allocate and Manage Writing and Publishing Tasks
  7. Identify the Publishing Support Authors Will Need
  8. Adopt a Style Guide
  9. Get Familiar With Pressbooks
  10. Request a Pressbooks Shell.
  1. Develop Book Structure 
  2. Write, Revise or Curate Content 
  3. Write with Inclusion and Diversity in Mind
  4. Create and/or Curate Figures, Images and Multimedia
  5. Create Interactive Learning Objects
  6. Check Copyright.
  1. Choose and Apply a Pressbooks Template 
  2. Apply the Style Guide
  3. Apply Accessibility Standards 
  4. Apply Inclusion and Diversity Standards 
  5. Create Book Cover 
  6. Check Copyright.
  1. Copyedit and Proofread
  2. Check Against Inclusion and Diversity Standards 
  3. Check Against Accessibility Standards
  4. Check Copyright and Licensing Compatibility
  5. Conduct the Peer Review Process
  6. Respond to Peer Review Feedback
  7. Sign off on Publication Quality 
  8. Submit Request to Authorise Publication
  1. Create and Apply DOI and ISBN 
  2. Assign Creative Commons Licence 
  3. Publish in Pressbooks
  4. Create Downloadable MARC Record 
  5. Deposit Open Textbook Using Legal Deposit Schemes
  6. Store Open Textbook in Institutional Repository 
  7. Conduct Marketing Activities.
  1. Configure and Access Pressbooks Analytics
  2. Gather User Feedback
  3. Identify Improvements
  4. Manage Errata
  5. Manage Editions.