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Open Educational Resources Collective Publishing Workflow

Configure and Access Pressbooks Analytics

Viewing Page Visit and Referrer Statistics in Pressbooks

Pressbooks uses the built-in open source Koko Analytics plugin to provide statistics for individual books and network pages on:

  • visitors
  • page views
  • referrers.

You can view this data by going to the Analytics tab on the left dashboard menu, where you’ll see:

  • the total number of visitors and page views over the selected time period
  • the most visited pages and/or chapters in your textbook
  • the most frequent referrers to your textbook.

You can adjust the date range using the date picker tool in the top left.

While page view information is collected at least once a day, the real-time (hourly) page view count may not always be accurate.

Network managers can also send visitor traffic information to a Google Analytics dashboard using Pressbooks’ optional Google Analytics integration.

Configuring Analytics Settings in Pressbooks

You can configure Analytics settings using the Settings function in the top right, including:

  • excluding page views from specified user roles
  • enabling or disabling a cookie that determines unique page views
  • setting the displayed date period
  • specifying when to delete older analytics data (default storage is 60 months).


Adapted from ‘View Page Visit and Referrer Statistics’ and ‘Configure Network Options’ in The Pressbooks Network Manager’s Guide by Pressbooks, licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence.