The CAUL Consortium works continuously to negotiate Read & Publish (R&P) agreements, enabling libraries to support students, academics and researchers, with useful scholarly content, and providing authors the opportunity to publish open access immediately on acceptance, and free of any transactional Article Processing Charges (APCs).
This guide provides an overview of all current Read & Publish agreements negotiated by CAUL.
You can access information about each of the R&P agreements using the navigation at the left of the screen. For each agreement, you'll find lists of included journals and participating institutions. Authors from participating institutions are eligible for OA publishing in the included titles under these agreements.
You can also access a full alphabetical title list for all journals covered by R&P agreements negotiated by CAUL.
All CAUL Read & Publish agreements are listed on the ESAC registry of Open Access agreements.
If you have feedback on this guide, please contact the CAUL Content Procurement Service.