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Read & Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL

Taylor & Francis Expert Medicine

Taylor & Francis is one of the world’s leading academic publishers – and one of its most enduring. For more than two centuries Taylor & Francis has been committed to the highest quality scholarly publishing, and this remains our goal today.

The agreement with CAUL provides read access and supports publishing across our Expert Medicine journals, a natural complement to the Expert Collection series, deepening the breadth and depth of subject coverage. Internationally recognised experts provide critical insights into the latest research, where the research should go next and how it should get there.

Further information on this agreement is available from Taylor & Francis.

Key facts

This page was last updated on 6 February 2025.

Participating institutions

The following institutions participate in this agreement:

  • Australian National University
  • Deakin University
  • Monash University
  • Murdoch University
  • RMIT University
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of New South Wales
  • University of Queensland
  • University of Technology Sydney

Authors who do not see their institution listed above should contact library staff to enquire further.

Agreement details

This agreement allows authors from participating institutions to publish in some of Taylor & Francis Expert Medicine's hybrid journals without the need for any transactional open access article processing charge (APC).

This is an uncapped agreement. There is no limit on the number of articles that can be published OA under this agreement.

Article eligibility

Articles accepted from 1/1/2024 are eligible to be published open access under this agreement.

Article types

The following article types are eligible for open access under this agreement:

  • Review type articles
  • Original research type articles
  • Editorial type articles

Article types excluded from this agreement include, but are not limited to:

  • All sponsored articles and drug evaluations
  • Plan Language Summaries Publications (PLSP)

Author eligibility

As defined by the publisher, the eligible author is:

corresponding author with primary affiliation

Responsible corresponding authors must include a participating institution as one of their affiliations to benefit from this agreement. 

Authors will be identified as eligible for open access publishing by their:

  • email address
  • institutional affiliation

Responsible corresponding authors must use their institutional email address when submitting an article for publication

Responsible corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail). Doing so may result in delayed approval of the article or the article may not be approved to be published open access under the terms of the agreement. 

Discount schemes

No other APC discounts are offered under this agreement.

Title list

The agreement allows for publishing in some journals. The complete title list is available online. If you wish to publish open access, please check to ensure that your desired journal is included.

Hybrid journals that 'flip' to OA during the course of this agreement will remain available for OA publishing for the duration of the agreement.

Author rights

Articles from authors at participating institutions may be published under the following Creative Commons licenses:

  • CC BY

Authors retain all rights as per the CC license.

The publisher may use the article in whole or in part in any marketing material or other communication by the company.

Figures produced in house the publisher remain the copyright of the publisher and permission must be granted for re-use. Figures under such copyright will be labelled as so in the published version. Authors retain the rights to their original Figures, and the copyright holder retains the right to all other Figures.


Further information about licenses is available on the publisher's website.

The Creative Commons licenses allow reuse (some with conditions) while protecting the authors' rights of acknowledgment as authors. 

Article approvals

Article approvals are managed by the publisher via a custom publisher platform.

Other charges

Taylor & Francis Expert Medicine does charge additional fees for page and/or colour fees. Authors should always check each journal’s submission guidelines to ensure that they will not be subject to any other fees or charges.

Open access workflow

How to submit your article for open access publishing

The following instructions for authors have been provided by the publisher. Further details are available on the publisher’s website.

1. Corresponding Author (CA) submits to an eligible journal

2. The article goes through thorough peer-review

3. If the article is accepted, the CA will receive a notification to let them know

4. The CA will then receive a link to complete their Author Publishing Agreement

5. The CA will then need to confirm information such as funding information

6. The CA can then request open access funding for their article through the agreement. The system will let them know about the agreement in place with the institution they are affiliated to

7. The CA will select a CCBY Creative Commons licence to publish the article under

8. The CA will sign the Author Publishing Agreement

9. T&F will then send a notification to the institution to ask them to confirm open access funding approval

10. T&F will let the CA know once the article has been approved for open access funding under the agreement

11. T&F will also let the CA know if the article is declined for open access funding under the agreement, and the options available to them.


For Specialist and Professional Articles

1. Corresponding Author (CA) submits to an eligible journal via ScholarOne.

2. Journal editor will make a note of article eligibility due to CA being from an R&P member institute.

3. CA may include their institution being eligible for APC-free OA publishing under the institution's R&P agreement.

4. Article will go through normal publishing process, including peer review and revision, if initially considered within the scope for the journal.

5. CA will be provided a discount code for no APC charge should the article be accepted. The discount code is to be applied on RightsLink.  

Example screenshot(s):




Taylor & Francis

Please email for questions regarding this agreement. Please include your full name, institution, article title, journal name and DOI (if available), and state the reason for your enquiry.

Your library

Please contact library staff at your institution for questions related to this agreement. They can provide advice on using the CAUL Open Access Agreements.