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Open Educational Resource Collective Administration Guide for Library Staff


This section of the guide contains resources that libraries might find useful when communicating about or undertaking work related to the Collective.

CAUL OER Collective Core Checklist

This Excel spreadsheet is a supplementary resource to accompany the Open Educational Resource Collective Publishing Workflow. 

Download the spreadsheet and edit to suit your purposes. 




OER Collective Style Guide for Book Covers

All OER Collective grant-funded books on the OER Collective Pressbooks platform are required to follow the Style Guide for Book Covers.

If your grant-funded book was published prior to the development of this guide (3 July 2023), we request that you revise your book cover according to the Style Guide but it is not required. The only element that is required is the OERC logo.

We recommend that books on the OER Collective Pressbooks platform that are not grant-funded follow the Style Guide but it is not required. 

The OER Collective Style Guide for Book Covers includes:

  • Cover Templates
  • OERC Colour Palette
  • OER Collective Logo
  • Type Area
  • Cover images
  • Questions?

Cover Template

The Collective provides two cover templates for members to copy and edit.

  1. Access the Canva template. Click here. (Open the link, then create a copy to save and edit in your own free account.)
  2. Download the InDesign files. Click here. (Open and download a copy).

The templates include the following required elements:

  • OERC Logo in approved location (in any of the three colours from the colour palette).
  • OERC lozenge space to enter your university logo. If you are not permitted to use your university logo, remove the lozenge.
  • Space for book title and subtitle. See Type Area section below.
  • Space for Author/s names. See Type Area section below.

You are not required to use the Canva or InDesign templates. You can use any software available to you, however you are required to incorporate the elements listed above in the cover design.

The following lists more detail on the colour palette, logo, and type area. 

OERC Colour Palette

R14 G95 B221
C90 M60 Y0 K

R0 G0 B0
C0 M0 Y0 K100

R255 G255 B255
C0 M0 Y0 K0

OER Collective Logo

Download the files. Click here.

If you are using the Canva or InDesign templates, you do not need to download the logo. The logo is already incorporated in the template files for you.

Type Area

This outlines the recommended position for the typography used on the cover. 

Cover Images


We recommend you use images that are:

Always read the terms and conditions of the website and follow any licensing terms listed. 

We recommend you list image attributions in the Copyright Notice field of your Pressbook. Read more at Publish in Pressbooks

If the image needs to be excluded from the creative commons licence of the book, make sure you include this detail.


Please email if you have any questions.

OER Collective Workflow

Workflow Diagram

Download an editable PowerPoint version of the Collective Workflow diagram.