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Open Educational Resource Collective Administration Guide for Library Staff

Roles & Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities 2024


View Roles & Responsibilities in pdf format or png.

CAUL Board



OER Collective Governance Group

  • Defines & allocates grants
  • Provides advice on cross institutional issues
  • Advises the Board
  • Find more information on the Governance page.


CAUL National Office

Project management and operations
  • OER Collective Project Officer provides:
    • Admin support
    • Manages grants
    • Manages Open Educational Resources Collective (OERC) Pressbooks (PB) Network
    • Manages & develops guides
    • Manages Communities of Practice (CoP) & events
    • Identifies advocacy opportunities


OER Collective Champions

Critical friends


Participating Institutions

Plan & implement open textbook projects

Each institution appoints interested staff to the following roles:

Institutional Contact - 1 (max. 2) per institution
  • Designated contact for CAUL National Office. View the list for each institution.
  • Subscribed to email list (oercontacts) & Slack
  • Attends CoP meetings
  • Liaises with CAUL about any issues that need attention
  • Liaises with other libraries around collaborative book arrangements
  • Ensures institution’s publishing standards are met
  • Provides copyright/IP & licensing advice
  • Supports the grants process which includes signing grant EOIs & liaising with CAUL about invoicing
  • Submits book shell request form
  • Submits request to publish form
  • Arranges Memorandum of Understanding between author & institution (template can be provided)
Library Staff & Other Support Staff - At least 1 per institution
  • Subscribed to the email list (oerlibrary) & Slack
  • Attends CoP meetings
  • Allocated Pressbooks Administrator role for any projects on OERC PB platform

In consultation with institutional contact, one or more staff members to act as designated contact for authors. This may include:

  • Supporting authors to manage book project
  • Inputting content into Pressbooks
  • Assisting their understanding of copyright/IP & licensing requirements
  • Communicating any issues with institutional contact
  • Facilitating peer review process
  • Other responsibilities as required


Academic Authors
  • Manages book project (with library staff support as required)
  • Develops content and inputs into Pressbooks
  • Understands copyright and licensing requirements
  • Communicates any issues with library staff contact
  • Subscribed to email list (oerauthors) & Slack
  • Attends CoP meetings
  • Other responsibilities as agreed with library staff
  • Allocated Pressbooks Editor/Author role for project on OERC PB platform


If you have any questions about your role, please contact