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Open Educational Resource Collective Administration Guide for Library Staff

Key Dates

DIY Open Textbook Author Grants

Find the Grant Guidelines, Grant Expression of Interest Template and submission form on the grants page of the OER Collective Pressbooks site.

Activity Date
Expressions of interest open 3 April 2024
Expressions of interest close 3 May 2024
OER Collective Governance Group reviews applications 7 May – 15 May 2024
OER Collective Governance Group decides on successful and unsuccessful applications 16 May 2024
Grant recipients announced (simultaneous CAUL Press release, LinkedIn post, email list and Slack messages.) 17 May 2024
Submission of a minimum of four copyedited, proofread, peer reviewed chapters of the open textbook project to CAUL National Office. 31 December 2024


Communities of Practice

Meeting dates for 2024 are listed on CAUL website where you can register via Zoom. Please find the dates copied below.

Would you like to present? Submit an expression of interest now via this form.

OER Collective Community Days

The bi-annual OER Collective Community Days provide an opportunity for project teams to showcase their work, learn and connect with like-minded professionals. It sets the tone for a supportive, productive, and inclusive year ahead. You can expect guest speakers, panel sessions, Q&A and more.

In previous years, it was one half-day event (4 1/2 hours). After surveying the community, we will held two shorter Community Day events in 2024 to accommodate as many people as possible.

These events have now passed, but you can view the recordings and programs on the CAUL Events website:

Pressbooks Platform Access

Libraries participating in 2024 retain access to the Pressbooks platform until 31 December 2024.

If a book team has not completed their book and the institution chooses to renew their membership with the OER Collective for 01/01/2025-31/12/2025, the book team will continue to have access to the platform to complete their book until 31/12/2025.

If a book team has not completed their book and the institution does not renew their membership with the OER Collective post 31/12/2024, the team will be given time to download all formats of their book. The team can continue to work on the book external to the Pressbooks platform or the files can be uploaded to another instance of Pressbooks. No content will be lost.

Allocation of Pressbooks Shells

Libraries must allocate* their 2024 Pressbooks shells by 1 December 2024 to allow these to be created before the close of the calendar year. Unused shells will be forfeit. 

*Allocation includes 2 shells per institution (Collective Pressbooks User Participation category only) plus one complimentary shell per winning grant entry.

If required, additional shells may be purchased (up to a maximum of 2 per institution; USD 500.00 per shell).

All shell requests to be made by completing Pressbooks Shell Request Form.


Key Conference Dates in 2024

ALIA National Conference 

Date: 6-9 May 2024
Location: Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
Format: In-person
Theme: Truth and Dare
Submissions: Closed
Program: Available now

VALA Conference 

Date: 9-11 July 2024
Location: RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria
Format: In-person
Theme: Reiterated – Getting IT back to grass roots
Submissions: Closed


IFLA Information Futures Summit

Date: 30 September - 3 October 2024
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Format: In-person
Theme: Stronger together
Submissions: Closed.

Open Education Conference

Date: 8-10 October 2024
Location: Online and in Providence, RI, United States
Format: In-person and online
Theme: It's About Time
Submissions: Closed.

OE Global Conference

Date: 13-15 November 2024
Location: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland
Format: In-person
Theme: Open is Everyone’s Business
Submissions: Closed

IATUL conference

Date: 24-28 November 2024
Location: University of Auckland, Auckland Central, New Zealand
Format: In-person
Theme: The voices of all
Submissions: Closed


ASCILITE Conference

Date: 1-4 December 2024
Location: The University of Melbourne, Australia
Format: In-person
Theme: Navigating the Terrain: Emerging Frontiers in Learning Spaces, Pedagogies, and Technologies
Submissions: Closed