Open Educational Resources Advocacy Toolkit by Council of Australasian University Librarians is licensed under CC BY 4.0 except where otherwise stated.
Focus on the why – Focus on the problems OER can solve for your stakeholders. For administrators, this might be textbook costs. For faculty, it might be lack of quality or relevant content.
Maintain objectivity – Listen to your stakeholders and maintain your position of why OERs might be of benefit to them. Being aware of the barriers they face will better equip you to relate to their challenges.
Engage the engaged – At the early stages of change, spend much of your effort on those who are listening. These are the early adopters and they align with your 'why'.
Reinforce the change – Keep your early adopters engaged through reinforcement strategies. Seek their feedback, showcase their work and know what they are doing next.
Adapted from 'Roles of the Open Education Advocate' by Quill West in Librarians as Open Education Advocates, licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence.