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Open Research Toolkit

Created by the Open Research Working Group, comprising representatives of the Australian Research Management Society (ARMS) and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), the Toolkit supports Australasian institutions to implement or further

Open Research Toolkit



Working Group

The Open Research Toolkit was created by the Open Research Working Group, comprising representatives of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) with advisors from ARC, NHMRC, ARDC and CAUDIT.

The Working Group comprised:

  • Siân Woolcock, University of South Australia (CAUL) – Co-Convener
  • Jason White, Charles Sturt University (ARMS) – Co-Convener
  • Alison Matthews, Charles Sturt University (ARMS) – Co-Convener
  • Luc Betbeder-Matibet, University of New South Wales (CAUDIT)
  • Kate Davis, Council of Australian University Librarians
  • Mark Hochman (ARMS)
  • Lisa Ogle, University of Newcastle (CAUL)
  • Representatives from the Australian Research Council
  • Representatives from the National Health and Medical Research Council
  • Douglas Robertson, Australian National University (ARMS)
  • Keith Russell, Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)
  • Amberyn Thomas, University of Queensland (CAUL)

The Working Group would like to acknowledge the assistance of: Mark Sutherland, Executive Director, CAUL; Larissa Denham, Engagement and Administration Officer, CAUL; Maria Zollo, Chief Operating Officer, ARMS; Dr Lisa Limbrick, Research Officer, Charles Sturt University; Rebecca Bell, Librarian, University of South Australia; Christopher Franks, University of New South Wales; Virginia Walker, Coordinator, Scholarly Publishing Scholarly Publishing, University of Newcastle.

Development Process

The Open Research Working Group was established following the ARMS-CAUL Senior Executive Forum held in Sydney in November 2019, with clear terms of reference to produce an open research toolkit. In late 2020, the Working Group initiated a survey to draw upon CAUL and ARMS member expertise to identify best practice open research initiatives. This included national and international examples of policy, governance, incentives, pathways and processes. The survey was sent to both University Librarians and Research Office Directors in each Australian University eliciting responses from 19 Australian universities. Dr Lisa Limbrick, Charles Sturt University, conducted an analysis of the survey data to identify themes emerging from the responses. The identified themes and examples have assisted in informing the content and structure of the Toolkit.

Toolkit content was developed by members of the Working Group and reviewed by a critical friend from outside the Working Group with relevant expertise, before being reviewed by the Working Group as a whole. The completed Toolkit was reviewed by critical friends.


The Open Research Toolkit was published in November 2021. All information is current at the time of publication.

Image Attributions

Icons used throughout the Toolkit are sourced from the following places:

The Noun Project

Open padlock, network, checklist, globe, Australia.From left to right:

These icons were sourced using a NounPro subscription, which allows reuse without attribution.

Patrick Hochstenbach

All other icons used in the Toolkit were drawn by Patrick Hoschstenbach, who drew more than 100 icons and cartoons to illustrate the FOSTER Open Science Training Handbook. The icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal) to re-use freely. Find out more.


Except where otherwise noted, all content on the Open Research Toolkit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) licence. Under the licence conditions, please attribute Open Research Toolkit.


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